Sharing the Joy of Reading and the Gift of Literacy with Keystone Families
CC3 Bookshelves 6

Sharing the Joy of Reading and the Gift of Literacy with Keystone Families

CC3 Bookshelves 6While putting her hand-print on her very own bookshelf, little Sarah shared about her favorite storybooks that she would put on the shelf at home. Creating a sense of excitement about sharing stories and reading is all part of the Family Literacy program at Keystone.

More than 30 families participate in the classes which prepare pre-schoolers for their first educational experiences and provide mothers with educational opportunities in literacy, parenting and workforce preparation.

Youth group members and advisors from St. Paul’s Lutheran Church shared their woodworking skills and crafted 55 bookshelves for the families in the program. What a perfect gift to share with young students to encourage a love for literature of all kinds!

The gifts were presented at the Family Literacy Christmas where teachers helped students and mothers personalize the shelves with paint, stickers, stamps and fun decorating designs. Special thanks to the friends from St. Paul’s who brought smiles to many faces with the bookshelf project. To see more smiling faces and bookshelf project photos click here.