Housing Assistance

Housing Assistance


Keystone Opportunity Center Housing Assistance

Contact our Social Services Director or our Interfaith Hospitality Director by Email [email protected]

Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program
Application deadline June 30, 2018
Click here to learn more!

Homelessness Prevention: Helping families/individuals stay in their homes.

Interfaith Hospitality Network – Sheltering our Homeless: When a neighbor needs a place to stay right away. Read More

Transitional Housing: Helping the Homeless move toward independence: “Transitional” refers to the progression from crisis to stability. The transitional housing program includes well maintained rental housing, and mandatory action plans to help participants move towards independence in permanent housing.

Permanent Housing: We want every family/individual in our community to be stable in safe, affordable housing. We have several programs aimed at providing this housing.

Rapid Rehousing: Our program to move households quickly from homelessness to permanent affordable housing while providing needed social services to ensure stability.

Affordable Permanent Housing: Working with churches, businesses and individuals to increase the stock of affordable housing and provide needed social services to provide stability.