Our mission at the Keystone Food Panty is to provide the best possible food for our families. We truly appreciate all the donations and support that the local community shares with Keystone. It has a huge impact on the lives our families in need. As we all know fresh produce is a vital part of a healthy diet, but purchasing produce can be expensive and it has a quick shelf life.
Many local community members have generous blessed Keystone with donations of produce throughout the summer. This year would would like to expand the amount of produce that we have to offer our families and would like to ask you for your help. If you have a garden or have space to growing one, please consider donating some of your produce to Keystone. It will go directly to helping families here in our area that struggle with food insecurity.
Fresh produce to consider donating: lettuce, corn, spinach, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cucumbers, carrots, onions, beans (all types), cabbage, berries, apples, and other items.
To sign up to participate as a produce donor please enter your information. below. We truly appreciate your dedication to helping our community members in need.