Donate to the SleepOut for Hunger and Homelessness

Donate to the SleepOut for Hunger and Homelessness

Thank you so much for being willing to help Keystone provide services for those that are struggling with food, housing, and literacy challenges.

Their are two easy ways you can donate to the SleepOut Event by online donation or by check.  For either method you will need the name of your SleepOut Group (Name of church or other group) of your student.

Pink Event Donations Button_edited-2The first way to donate is using Keystone’s Event Donating Online Page.  Click on the pink Event Donating Online icon to donate. You can also share this link with your friends and family for donating.

The second way to donate is by check to Keystone Opportunity Center.   Please make check payable to Keystone Opportunity Center. (Please write “Group Reg. 2017 SOHH” in the memo line of the check) and included the name of the student and group they are a part of.

Mailing Address: Keystone Opportunity Center SleepOut for Hunger and Homelessness 104 N. Main Street Souderton, PA 18964

Thank you for donating to Keystone’s SleepOut for Hunger and Homelessnesss.  If you have any questions please contact me at [email protected].